Here’s Something Fun (For a Change!) ~ 13 Nov 2020

Asteroid Psyche 16, one of the most massive asteroids, recently weighed in with a hot ticket news story indicating that she’s worth 10,000 quadrillion US dollars because of her composition. I ran that through my trusty calculator and it spit out as a reply, “Dude, don’t give me a Saturn transit. I don’t got that many places for digits.” Some financial speculators say Psyche is worth more than the economy of the entire world.

Here’s a fun fact, as of today Psyche transits 21 Gemini 57 (0 hr GMT) and currently moves retrograde. At the time this story broke she occupied 22 Gemini 37 in a tight quincunx with Pluto at 22 Capricorn 38. Amazing, right? What a time to assess the excessive wealth of an asteroid, an asteroid that symbolically represents our psyche and as such, the value of our psyche. Okay, do we now comprehend that the psyche is priceless?

Here’s another couple fun facts. On October 6th of this year Psyche conjoined the north lunar node at 22 Gemini 11. Because of Psyche’s retrogradation and the node’s wobble, she’ll catch up with the north node again on November 18th at 20 Gemini 04, and finally on March 6th of 2021 at 15 Gemini 21. With last month’s and this month’s conjunctions of Psyche to the node and given that last month NASA grabbed a sample from an asteroid, don’t let any plutocrats with any planets or astrological gizmos at 22 Gemini plus or minus a couple degrees know about this. They’ll be plotting and planning mining missions poste haste should this value factor of Psyche be grasped.

This explains the collective ache that started early in October - the need to end mundane mental conundrums: coronavirus, the damn U.S. election, Zoom and TikTok addictions, and any other life detail that short circuited life activity from its deserved front and center position in consciousness.

What’s the tagline of Psyche to the lunar north node? Approach any and all persons, places, things and consciousness morsels that you instinctively know feed your psyche and your life mission. And if you dream of something fantastical that you know must be included in your life, go with the manifestation of the literal dream.

Psyche in a 5.00 year orbit comes closest to the Sun at 19 Aries 04 (heliocentric). Her crossing of the ecliptic grants her a heliocentric north node of 0 Virgo 02. The amalgamation of these orbital elements suggests that Psyche seeks personal impeccability and excellence. She notes that taking time to jot down action items for pursuit prior to taking on said pursuit, benefits the accomplishment of those pursuits.

In fact, she observes that conscious clarification of vision, reality checking of resources and full-blown application of pre-activity planning and consideration yields the best and most magnificent results. Trusting in and acting upon the root motives of the psyche accumulate invaluable benefits. What if believing in and acting upon the richest resources of the urges of the soul could be applied within every action of life!? Would that not be more valuable than a solid platinum ingot encrusted with diamonds from a mystical, magical asteroid?

Given the crapstorm 2020 has been, what if there are creative nuggets to be dreamt, imagined and better yet, envisioned and engaged in life with full belief and gusto? Okay, so Psyche to the node silently nods this is true. Who you gonna believe?

Dig deep into the psyche and excavate those yet to be conscious resources!

More soon.